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Health Well Group

Public·15 members

Hey girls,

Just a note for everyone to work on active recovery after our sessions. Really important part of the process 💛

  1. Drink 2-3L L water per day

  2. Keep moving, I no it hurts but getting the blood flowing will help you feel better

  3. Eat!! Protein

  4. Magnesium baths, Epsom salts or magnesium tablets

  5. Foam roll, stretching, massage

  6. Heat, wheat bags, hot water bottles

  7. Panadol - if needed

  8. 7-8 hrs sleep

DOMS aren't an indicatorof how well you've worked out and often you won't be sore at all! BUT even of your not sore for optimal performance and recovery please make sure you're keeping it up.



Vicky ☀️
Sophi Patel


Welcome to the Health Well Group—a vibrant community for lik...


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